It is a clone of LinkedIn website.
A portfolio project showcases an individual's or a professional's work, skills, and accomplishments in a concise and visually appealing manner to demonstrate their expertise and attract potential opportunities.
This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Spotify-Clone is a web application that mimics the functionality of the popular music streaming platform, Spotify. Users can create an account, search for music by artist, album or track, create playlists, and listen to music.
It's a Clone of a Famous OTT Platform 'Netflix'.
A Movie app made in reactjs using TMDB api deployed on Vercel
Build a hospital management system with an MVC design pattern that provides 6 different facilities for users to book, claim and inquire about various services. Reviewed under Admin dashboard with all CRUD operations under secured access control.
Weather app made in reactjs using OpenWeather Api and GeoDbApi for city suggestions
JobWriteAI allows you to generate cover letters instantly, just paste the job description fill out skills to avoid and you'll have a cover letter in seconds.